
ID[REQ::Base_Elements, caption: "Base Elements"]

  • ID[::ID]

  • ID[::REF]

ID[REQ::Helper_Elements, caption: "Helper Elements"]

  • ID[::ADD]

  • ID[::END]

Extend the Base

It must be possible to perform checks on the created data structure. These checks should be executed on ID[::Filename, caption: "file name"]s, on ID[::Linking, caption: "linking"]s and ID[::Attribute, caption: "attribute"]s

ID[REQ::Checks, caption: "Perform Checks"]

Define your data structure.


  • ID[FILES::adoc, name: "*.adoc"]

  • ID[FILES::md, name: "*.md"]

  • ID[FILES::markup, name: '$( + ", " + $('] ???

  • ID[FILES::REQ, name: "docs/RQM*/RQM*.adoc"]

All requierements must be in the requirements files location: REF[REQ, filetype: FILES::REQ]


  • ID[LINKS::filetype, to: FILES, revers: idtype]

  • ID[LINKS::mentions]

  • ID[LINKS::parent, revers: child]


  • ID[ATTRIBUTE::caption, mandatory: true, type: string]

  • ID[ATTRIBUTE::contains, mandatory: false, type: ID]

  • ID[ATTRIBUTE::mandatory, contains: ATTRIBUTE, mandatory: true, type: boolean]

  • ID[ATTRIBUTE::name, contains: FILES, mandatory: true, type: string]